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Our clients at Mt. Everest Base Camp

Monday, October 17, 2011

Welcome to Tibet

Dear Friends from all over the world.

Welcome to Tibet!

Our client Mr. Boris Rozentoul and guide Mr. Basang at the lake shore of Manasarova, April,2011
"Tibet has never been a letdown for tourists who have expectations on it. People who have been to Tibet are all impressed by its cultural heritage of Buddhism, the spectacular snow-covered mountains, the holy lakes, and the independent ethnic culture. These deep impressions are extended from our eyes to our hearts." One of our American clients said so. For many of our guests, Tibet is one of the places they think they must visit in their lives, or even they would visit it twice. Many emails from our guests tell us that Tibet is a great place rich in beauty, and a place famous for its nice people, and that their stay in Tibet is an unforgettable trip.
Tibet is located on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, where the average altitude is over 4000m. It is hailed as "the Third Pole of the Earth" along with the South Pole and the North Pole. The unique geographic features have endowed Tibet with
second-to-none beautiful scenery of ice and snow. Here stands the highest mountain in the world- Mont Everest in the Himalayas, and there is the world’s deepest and the longest canyon- the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon. And the lake with the highest altitude is also located here. Glaciers here are perennially covered with snow here, breeding the longest river in China- the Yangtze.

Our first small tour group to Tibet in November, 2008
One thing that is as attractive as the natural landscapes here is the mysterious Tibetan Buddhist Culture. Once you are here, you will be surrounded by strong religious atmosphere, which ranges from the splendid monasteries to believers toiling in fields, and from religious rituals to daily lives. You can visit the Potala Palace with its rich collections of treasures. And there are thousands of Buddhist temples which attracts many pilgrims who measure their pilgrimage journey with their own bodies.

The beauty of Tibet extends from visual enjoyment to your soul. The spectacular natural landscapes, the rich ethnic flavors, and the mysterious Buddhist culture, all these has made Tibet a tourist paradise sought after by travelers world wide, as well as by Buddhists who expect the promised land in their hearts.
In July of 2006, the highest railway in the world- The Qinghai-Tibet Railway successfully reached the hinterlands of Tibet. This railway has a total length of 1956 km, starting from Xining, Qinghai Province, ending at Lhasa, Tibet. The extended railroad from Lhasa to Shigatse will be completed in a few years; therefore people traveling to Tibet will enjoy safe, comfortable, and fast train trips. Now traveling to Lhasa by train has become the most popular way of going to Tibet for overseas travelers.

We offer both fixed-date small group tours for those who want to share the cost with others and tailor-made private tours for individual travelers who like to travel with family or friends, with the flexibility and convenience of choosing their own travel dates, itineraries, attractions, accommodations, etc.

Come and join us for an exceptional Tibet Tour experience with unparalleled service at a truly competitive price. TIBETTRAVEL.ORG and the mysterious snow land, hospitable people, are looking forward to providing an experience of a lifetime for you!

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