Our Clients

Our Clients
Our clients at Mt. Everest Base Camp

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mr.Barbara gives his feedback of using CITS Tibettravel.Org

Our clients Mr.Barkara who use the service of CITS Tibettravel.Org in September 2011 gives us his feedback of Tibet tour.
Good morning Derek.
Mr. Wilhide just left the office – he thought the trip was WONDERFUL with a capital W.
The hotels were all excellent.  The locations were very good. The sightseeing was superb and that was because of the quality of the guides.  They were knowledgeable, the itineraries and timing perfect and the guides were wonderful people.  He was so impressed with the people, the sympathy shown and the expediency with which everything was handled.
If you want to use me as a referral you may.
We will definitely use you again.

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