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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tibet Winter Tour Is Coming

Although summer is the peak tourism season in Tibet, winter is also a charming season with another irresistible attraction. During the 7th Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon cultural tourism festival, Tibet promote its winter tour. Some travellers might think that Tibet in autumn and winter was not suitable for tourism, but in fact it is much worthy to visit Tibet in winter both because of its charming winter scenery and a series of price cut including ticket price, hotel price and flight discount.
The 2011 Tibet Winter Tourism Season is set to be opened during this Yarlung Zangbo festival with half ticket price for most scenic spots in Tibet and hotel price dropping by about 40% to 60% from November 1st this year to March, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Nice blog! Travel to Tibet in winter and enjoy the enthusiasm on the snowy plateau. It is very dry in Lhasa, which will keep you from feeling chill and also a great opportunity to feel the calmness of this ancient, holy and mysterious land. I like your site it is very informative. Thanks a lot for creating this type of valuable site....

    Tibet Travel
