Our Clients

Our Clients
Our clients at Mt. Everest Base Camp

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Client Toh Pake Hoon Juuana's Feedback of Their Tibet Tour

Our client Toh Pake Hoon Juuana, the traveller's representive of tourists, Tjioe Karina Chandra, Tho Pake Guek Jovita, Sayno Winnipred Jacaugune  who used the service of CITS Tibettravel.Org in August 2011 gave us his feedback of Tibet tour.

Hi Tony
I have been meaning to write this since our return from Tibet but somehow never got the chance till now.
We all had a fabulous time in Lhasa and appreciated very much your efficiency and professionalism in coordinating our itinerary in Lhasa. Everything went so smoothly.
In particular we want to thank Norbu, our guide who by far in all our travels is the best guide we have had. He was knowledgeable, helpful, very pleasant and attentive when one of us was not too well. He also went out of his way to make sure we got all the information we need.
We would definitely recommend you, your company and Norbu to anyone who is interested in similar trip to Tibet.
Thank you again.
Best Regards,
Sent from my iPad

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