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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hot Tibet Tour - Lhasa to Kathmandu Overland Tour

It is a very famous route which starts from Kathmandu and ends in Lhasa through Friendship Highway. From Kathmandu (1300m) the road travels gently up to Kodari (1873m), before leaving Nepal to make a steep switchback ascent to Zhangmu (2300m), the Tibetan border town. The road then climbs to the top of Tong-la (5120m), continuing to Tingri (4390m) for the second night. The highway is very well traveled and is a pleasant journey.

It's an ideal route in that it takes in most of Tibet's main sights, offers superb scenery and features a spectacular roller-coaster ride down from high La Lung-la into the Kathmandu valley. It has stopovers at Gyantse, Shigates and EBC. Finally, we spend a couple of days in Lhasa, the heart and soul of Tibet and an object of devout pilgrimage, it is still a city of wonders. The medieval push and shove of crowds, the street performers, the stalls hawking everything from prayer flags to jewel-encrusted yak skulls, and the devout tapping their foreheads to the ground at every step is an exotic brew that few newcomers can resist.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Tibet Tour time flows with eternity, in spite of sunshine, mist, rainbow and snow, leaving our timeless memories on this mysterious land. Holding a reverence of religion and nature. I would like to tell you that you have given me much knowledge about it. Thanks for everything....

    Tibet Tours
