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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tibet will reopen in April 2012 after a temporary closure from late Feb. to late March

 China plans to temporarily close Tibet to foreign travelers from late February  to late March of 2012, which means that foreign tourists would be banned to travel to Tibet during this period. The exact reason is still not clear, mostly because of the Tibetan New Year falling on Feb. 22 as well as the anniversary of a riot happening in Lhasa on March 14, 2008.

Tibet will reopen to foreigners in April of 2012 when the peak tourist season of Tibet approaches. From early April to late November is widely considered as the most pleasant time to visit all areas of Tibet. Therefore, Tibet's temporary closure to foreigners in 2012 has little impact on most tourists' plan of travelling to Tibet in 2012.
From Tibettravel.org

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