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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tibet, the holy place

Do you still remember the film, 2012? In the film, there’s a large disaster which destroys almost everywhere on earth, except one, Tibet, the holy place, which at the end of the film becomes the “Noah’s Ark” for all the human beings who go to Tibet for survival. Why is the Tibet? Well, considering the altitude, Tibet is the highest place and it must be the closest place to heaven. It has an average altitude of more than 3000m. However, let alone the altitude, Tibet is also a holy place for us human beings today.

Tibet lies in the southwest of China. It is a place I admire all the time. It is accompanied by the tallest mountains in the world. It is home to the third longest river, Yangtse River. It has the most beautiful plateau lakes. And it has the most original environment. The Tibetan people love their home, Tibet, and they enjoy their lives there.

Every year there’s a pilgrimage leading to the holy city Lhasa, capital of Tibet, performed by the Tibetan Buddhism-believers from all over the world (most of them are Tibetans). You may say it is nothing strange to have a pilgrimage, however, if you have ever traveled to Tibet you must be impressed by those pilgrims, because they perform prostration to go to Lhasa all the way, which may take them even half a year. And when they arrive there, their foreheads, hands and legs are all scabby. However, they believe that they should do that at least one time in their whole lifetime to get blessing from the Buddha.

Tibet is not only a holy place for those Tibetan Buddhism-believers, so for us. But if you ask me how holy it is or why it is holy, words can not work well on it. It is unique and it is solemn, which will make you just admire it. At the same time, it is also like a loving mother, always waiting for you. That feeling, you can only experience it by being in Tibet yourself, by breathing the air, by viewing what is in your eyes and by touching the ground under you feet. If you feel tired about the city life, travel to Tibet to refresh yourself. You are sure to be impressed by the nature’s fabulous creation and the Tibetan people and their culture.

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