Our Clients

Our Clients
Our clients at Mt. Everest Base Camp

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our clients, Stephen and Winnie Hartley enjoyed a wonderful trip to Tibet

Our clients, Stephen and Winnie Hartley from UK enjoyed a wonderful trip to Tibet. They spent ten days in Tibet with another tourist, Louise Merwald from Denmark. After returning to home, they sent a thank-you e-mail to their trip advisor of Tibettravel.org, Tony Yin.
The following is the original message:
Hi Tony,

We are now back in the UK after our 2-month holiday.

We should like to thank you and all at CITS for our wonderful trip to Tibet.  All the arrangements went as per the itinerary, the weather was perfect and we all had a great time.

A special thanks to our Tibetan guide, Tashi, whose knowledge and enthusiam made our trip even more enjoyable.

I attach one last photo of the three of us at Everest Base Camp.

Many thanks.

Stephen and Winnie Hartley

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