Our Clients

Our Clients
Our clients at Mt. Everest Base Camp

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Our Client Adrian Affolter's Feedback of Their Tibet Tour

Our client Adrian Affolter who used the service of CITS Tibettravel.Org in September 2011 gave us his feedback of Tibet tour by sending an email to his Tibet Trip Advisor, Derek Wong. He joined in a Tibet group tour from Lhasa to Everest Base Camp from Sep. 26 to Oct. 4.
Hello Derek
I am just back from the Asia trip. I want to let you know that everything about that booked Tibet trip was fine. I enjoyed the whole tour and bring back unforgettable memories about that wonderful landscape of Tibet and and also very friendly tibetaens.
It is very possible that I will go back to Tibet again.
Thank you for your effort, for the well organized Lhasa-Everest Camp-Lhasa trip.
with best regards from the cold Switzerland

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