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Friday, June 28, 2013

The most comfortable season to visit Tibet

My name is Tsero and I was born in a small village in Shigatse, Tibet’s second largest city. I am a tour guide. Many of my clients asked me: “Tsero, which is the most comfortable season to visit Tibet?”

“You are enjoying the most comfortable season of Tibet now.” I would anwer to most of them like this, as most of them do travel to Tibet in a pleasant season, summer or autumn.  

Each place has its own tourism season, so does Tibet. In summer and autumn, generally from April to October, it is warm and dry. During this time, lots of tourists from mainland Chian and abroad are coming to Tibet to enjoy their holidays and try to relax themselves from their busy work.

Because of this beautiful place, pleasant weather, unique tradition, rich culture, mysterious religion and different kind of things, they quickly forget all the things bothering them before.   

In summer, it is not too hot here due to the high altitude. Sometimes the temperature goes to 28-30 degree celcius on maximum. At daytime, you can feel much hotter than usual, but at night you may feel a little cold. This is because of the big temperature difference between day and night in Tibet. When you stop for rest during your Tibet tour, it is best to stay in shadown as it’s much cooler than you think.

And also if you are travelling outside Lhasa, it’s colder in northern and western part of Tibet. That’s why you have to bring both summer and winter clothes to spend great time in Tibet.

If you come to Tibet in summer, most areas of Tibet are accessible, even those hilly areas with high passes are. Thus you can travel to anywhere as you like without any problem. But there is a short rainly season in summer, from June to August.

Even in summer, you may also be able to see some snows on top of hills and passes. The landscape of Tibet is really beautiful during this time. But if you are going to visit Mt. Everest or other mountains during the rainy season then it’s not a good time to visit. Because during rainy season, it’s cloudy and foggy on mountain areas and you will not be able to see it well. And if you are still visiting it then you need to be prepared in your mind that you might not be able to see it. But if you are visiting other places I can assure you that it’s really a good season.

From September to November is our autumn. It is cool in the city and a bit cold during morning and evening. During this time you can see all the mountains without doubt. If you like to visit mountains only this is the best time. For those who love hiking, it is also the best time to do it.
Thus, both summer and autumn are the most pleasant season to visit Tibet. Welcome to Tibet and look forwards to seeing you soon. 

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