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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top Unsolved 10 Mysteries of Tibet

Tibet at the roof of the world is an amazing land full of mysteries and inexplicable phenomena. Here we show the top ten unsolved mysteries of Tibet.

1. Savage Mystery
Tibet savage mystery, also listed as “the world’s four major mystery,” has always been lot of heated discussions. As early as 1784, China had Tibet Savage’s documented. The savage is said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Tibet and Nepal. Many expeditions have been organized to track down the elusive savage, but none have found more than savage footprints and questionable artifacts like scalps and hides. In recent years, people have continued to witness the Himalayan mountain activities and female savages snatched local men to marry and found a family. Already a number of eastern Tibet expedition in-depth study, but savage is still a mystery. So far there is no firm evidence to support the existence of the savage, but there is no way show that it doesn’t exist either. If it indeed lives in the barren, frozen, upper reaches of the Himalayas where few men dare to tread, he may find his refuge safe for a long time to come.

2. Terma Mystery
Terma is the re-excavated classics, hidden by Bon and Tibetan Buddhists when their religious beliefs in catastrophe. Terma includes possession of books, possession of sacred objects, and possession of knowledge.
The most magical part is the possession of knowledge. It refers to Terma buried deep in people’s consciousness. It is said that when a classic cannot be handed down in the event of a disaster, it granted by the gods of the depths of a person’s consciousness to avoid lost.
When condition allows, in some mysterious inspiration, the Buddhist scriptures can be written or recorded to the core, even by some illiterate farmers and herdsmen. This phenomenon is the mystery of Gterma (hidden Tibetan Buddhist scriptures).

3. Mystery of Mount Everest Flag Clouds
When the weather is pleasant, one can always sees milky white flag-shaped clouds on the top of Mount Everest. It is cloud. Prevailing winds from the west blow the cloud east like a billowing flag attached to the mountain. Ascending airflow caused by mountains creates the cloud. Blowing snow could also create the cloud.
Mount Everest flag cloud posture is multifarious, look like flag that flutter in the breeze sometimes, sometimes like great wave; Turn into the slender and graceful smoke sometimes. Because the change of the flag cloud can reflect the change that the high air flows, Mount Everest flag cloud is known as “the supreme vane in the world”.

4. Mystery of Red Snow
The surface of the Himalayas above 5,000 meters often dots with blood red spots and looks like red snow from afar. These red spots consist of Chlamydomonas nivalis, Chlorococcum infusionum, and other algae. In permanent ice and snow, the highland algae are widely distributed with strong cold resistance and would not die when temperature is 36 degrees below zero centigrade. The algae contain sanguine pigment in their bodies, so they are red in appearance.

5. Shambhala Mystery
Shambhala, also translated as “Shangri-La”, means “pure land” in Tibetan language. It is the myth of the Buddhist world and the birthplace of Kalachakra teachings. With regard to the existence of Shambhala, there has always been skeptical. And the Shambhala Buddhist scholars think that is a fictional paradise. Tibetan historical books recorded in great detail for the Shambhala. However, Shambhala, exists or not, is still a mystery.

6. Mystery of Rainbow Body
Rainbow Body is a mysterious phenomenon of Tibetan Buddhism. A lama who has acquired the highest forms of accomplishment can manifest what is called “the rainbow body” or “body of light”. It is said that the physical body of those who studied Buddhism very deeply will turn into a rainbow. The rainbow body is said to be the physical mastery state of Dzogchen of the Nyingmapa and the Bönpo where the trikaya (Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya and Dharmakaya) is in accord and the nirmanakaya is congruent with bodymind and the integrity of the mindstream to the heartmind) is realised as Dharmakaya. The corporeal body of the realised Dzogchenpa, which is now hallowed, returns to the primordial energetic essence of the Five Pure Lights of the five elemental processes through the Bardo of Mahasamadhi or Parinirvana. This is then projected as the mindstream through the process of phowa. The realiser of Jalus resides in the timeless, eternal space that is considered a mystery.
According to Dzogchen tradition, the attainment of the Rainbow Body is the sign of complete realisation of the Dzogchen view. As Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (2002: p. 141) states: “The realised Dzogchen practitioner, no longer deluded by apparent substantiality or dualism such as mind and matter, releases the energy of the elements that compose the physical body at the time of death.”

7. Mystery of Shangshung Kingdom
The ancient Shangshung Kingdom created the earliest civilization of Tibet plateau. It not only invited its unique Shang Shung language, but also served as the birthplace of the Bon religion. The Shangshung Kingdom exerted profound influence on the culture of whole Tibet. However, its mysterious extinction has left many riddles that have not been solved through the ages.

8. Mystery of Guge Kingdom
In the mid-9th century, the Tubo Kingdom collapsed. The descendants established Guge Kingdom and created splendid civilization within 700 years. Later in 1630, Guge was overthrown by Ladakh. According to records, the slaughter and predation of the war is not enough to exterminate the Guge civilization. However, it just suddenly vanished like the ancient Mayan civilization.
Today, the ruins of the Guge Kingdom leave us some amazing architecture, ancient paintings, the mysterious Guge Silver Eye, and so on. But why Guge civilization vanished so suddenly and without a clue to trace is still a mystery.

9. Mystery of Storytellers of King Gesar
Life of King Gesar is a well-known Tibetan heroic epic and is the only living epic in the world today, which has all along been passed down mainly by folk artists orally. There are still more than 100 folk artists living in Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Qinghai provinces, and singing of the great achievement of the Tibetan hero King Gesar.
Among the many folk artists, those who can tell more than one version are claimed to be “divine artists”, which means they are inspired by God. Most of the storytellers said that they were summoned by God or King Gesar in a dream, and then they began singing uncontrollably. In Tibet, some illiterate teenagers can suddenly tell the epic of King Gesar with words more than one million. This incredible phenomenon is unsolved yet.

10. Mystery of Tibetan Shaman
As the host of Tibetan primitive religious worship, Tibetan shamans are said to have the ability to communicate with God and can talk with spirits. Tibetan shaman also enters supernatural realms or dimensions to obtain solutions to problems afflicting the community, to bring guidance to misguided souls and to heal illnesses of the human soul caused by foreign elements. They are intermediaries or messengers between the human world and the spirit worlds.
They perform a variety of functions in the social life of Tibetan people: fortune-telling, healing, leading a sacrifice, preserving the tradition by songs and storytelling, guide of souls, etc. However, as time passes, we still know little about shamans – their costumes, heritage, religious objects, spells, altars, witchcraft, divination, and so on.

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