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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Altitude of Tibet, How to Avoid High Altitude Sickness in Tibet

Most of the areas of Tibet are with high altitude over 3000 meters above sea level. Therefore, you may encounter high altitude sickness when traveling in Tibet. If you are planning a trip to Tibet, do have a good preparation on avoiding altitude sickness.
First you’d better get a general idea about the altitude of main cities and towns in Tibet.

CityAltitude (m)CityAltitude (m)

Here are some tips for you to prevent high altitude sickness.
1) Avoid catching a cold before entering Tibet;
2) Try to have a good sleep at the night before entering to Tibet;
3) Dont conduct many activities on the first day of your arrival in Tibet;
4) Walk slowly and drink extra fluids after getting off the airplane;
5) Light and high carbohydrate meals are recommended for more energy;
6) Dont drink alcohol or smoke in the high altitude area.
7) Climb up to higher altitude slowly.
More information about how to travel in Tibet from Tibettravel.Org

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